The tour will begin at the village site (al- Rawha area - Haifa district)  at 12:00 am, and end at about 14:00.

We will meet refugees of Khubbayza and hear the story of the village and its Nakba, post signs to commemorate the village and distribute "Remembering Khubbayza", a booklet prepared for the occasion.

Transportation: From Tel Aviv, Arlozorov train station, at 9:30 am
From Umm al-Fahm, al-Kina, at 11:00
(we'll be back in Tel Aviv at about 16:00)
Participants arriving independently will meet at the 'Ein Hashofet Junction (al- Kafrayn), Road 6953 / Road 672

For transportation please register through this mail:

For more information please Contact:
Zochrot's office: 03- 695 3155
Umar Ighbariyyeh, coordinator of tours: 052-874 3099