Genia Kolvske

When the Germans arrived they threw us into the ghetto And it was just the same situation and it was not in our power to stay. 15/10/2013
Yafa (Jaffa)

We were shaved 
We were naked
We're not crying,
We did not know what Crematorium means
you do not know where you're going 
They put you inside,
So they would tell us
You see where the chimney is and the smoke is coming out 
You are waiting to go inside.
I never wanted to tell
We dressed nicely with a hat and gloves and beautiful coats…
In Haifa we got out and they took us to Pardes Katz. 
Pardes Katz was a large Maabara
There were tents, and it was a hard winter in 49
There were heavy rains and it was cold
And we were soaked with our clothes and we cried
So I decided I'm not staying here
The Sochnut promised to give us an apartment
We went to the Sochnut and they gave us a key and we arrive at Jaffa
It was not far from the harbor, it was a house enclosed by a fence
We opened the gate, opened the door and went in and we couldn’t believe our eyes…
we were in shocked.
The house was beautiful but we didn’t even enter, 
because in the yard there was a round table set with plates and as soon as we saw this, 
also saw there was a basement, 
we were frighten
Besides the fear, 
we could not look, it hurt us, how could people, 
it reminded us how we had to leave the house and leave everything. 
When the Germans arrived they threw us into the ghetto
And it was just the same situation and it was not in our power to stay.
I did not want to do the same thing that the Germans did.
We left, returned the key and stayed in Nachlat.

Dedicated to my dear parents
That despite of the horrors they were subjected to they
Remained compassion  

גניה קובלסקי \ Genia Kolvske