In both activism and academia worldwide, transitional justice has developed into an area that addresses situations of transition from dictatorship to democracy or from conflict to reconciliation. In the Israeli-Palestinian context, we propose the concept of pre- transitional justice – an array of tools and strategies applied while the conflict is ongoing to promote the transition from a culture of denial and impunity to one of recognition and accountability and redress of injustices.
The Pre-Transitional Justice area in Zochrot proposes viewing and analyzing the Nakba and Return through the prism of the four major mechanisms in the transitional justice discourse:
- Truth seeking and dealing with the past
- Redress and compensation
- Institutional reforms
- Legal practices/prosecution/demand for accountability
We also invite you to view Zochrot’s entire practices as an array of civic/informal intervention for the promotion of justice, or the local equivalent of “unofficial truth projects”.