
Suhmata Author: Americans for Middle East Understanding, Inc.
This was lbrahim El Khalil' s house. This was Ahmad Khalil's house, So Asad Zidan liaed, here. The Mukhtar's house must be in this nrea, or maybe, ooer there, Ah! Here it is.
we're on the map Author: Talia Fried
In this activity, participants create a large-scale map of the Palestinian villages destroyed by Israel. The activity can be carried out in a public square or courtyard, preferably in a visible, central location. During the activity, participants are given cards that represent each of the Palestinian localities destroyed by Israel during the Nakba. The participants return these cards to their correct location on the map according to the longitude and latitude number printed on the card. The ‘map’ is actually a grid, made of adhesive tape or rope, that correlates to the actual longitude and latitude lines of the Israeli map of today. The participants can also personalize their cards or decorate the map using chalk, colored stones, stickers, ribbons… The activity can include additional commemorative acts as well as discussion of the nakba with participants and passers-by. During the activity, people can use an open microphone to share their sentiments on returning a particular village to the map. Instructions Materials
letter: Count Bernadotte to Shertok Author: UN
Tel Aviv and its Palestinian Villages 11/-0001
A few comments on the Israeli body Author: Eitan Bronstine
This law also ingrained in our body in German as it is the language of an enemy for many Israelis.
Restless Park: On the Latrun villages and Zochrot Author: Eitan Bronstein
The teacher told his students that for the rest of his life he will bear the scar of the immoral behavior in which he took part. These wounded soldiers demand our compassion, which may allow both them and us to make peace with our past.
Were they expelled? Author: Ilan Pappe
This article is concerned with contemporary implications generated by the historiographical debate on the Palestinian refugee problem.
“Holocaust, Revival and Nakba” Author: Eitan Bronstein Aparicio
The Holocaust occurred three years before 1948.  We manipulate the Holocaust in many ways, but it really occurred, and the effects of the memory of the Holocaust are very present in our lives.  Did the Holocaust make us more hot-headed?  Did we become crueler?  Less self-controlled?  Or perhaps the Holocaust gave us the tools to preserve a humanistic perspective even in wartime?  I haven’t an unequivocal answer.  In a sense, Israeli Jews were already using the Holocaust in 1948 to justify immoral acts, which I think is illegitimate