
Map of the houses and land of the Palestinian city of Safed before the Nakba 20/06/1985
The Fall of Lydda, 1948: Impressions and Reminiscences Author: Reja-e Busailah / Arab Studies Quarterly
Perhaps no other single event has so significantly shaped the contemporary Palestinian reality as the forced exodus of 1948 when about half of Palestine's Arab population experienced the agony of sudden uprootedness.
British Mandatory Map with Israeli Updates 1959
Leaflets dropped by Israeli aircraft on the residents of al-Lyd and Ramle on July 11, 1948 11/07/1948
Palestine UN GA Partition Plan, November 29th 1947 29/11/1947
Palestine Map 1946 04/1946
Population Distribution: Jews and Palestinians, 1946 1946
Zionist and Palestinian Landownership, 1945 Author: London Conference to the UN Partition Recommendation, 1939-1947