It Took a Village
Author: Rona Sela \ Haaretz 13/05/2011
In the 1940s, the Haganah collected detailed intelligence information about hundreds of Arab villages and photographed them, in many cases from the ground and also from the air. Only a few dozen of these 'village files' survive in local archives, but their photos constitute a valuable, missing chapter in Palestinian history.
Counter-Mapping Return
Einat Manoff
Workshop: Einat Manoff, Umar Alghubari, Matan Boord, Eitan Bornstein, Amir Hillel, Ismat Shbeita, Fadi Shbeita, Fat'hiyyeh Shbeita, Tal Haran, Masha Zussman, Adam Freeman, Nimrod Zin, Claire Oren, Rula Awwad-Rafferty
Image Strips: Nimrod Zin
Einat Manoff
Workshop: Einat Manoff, Umar Alghubari, Matan Boord, Eita...
Apartheid: A Double-Crossing
Author: Louise Bethlehem 02/2011
The increasing diffusion of the term "nakba" ( (נכבהin Hebrew, untranslated but transliterated, nun, chaf, bet, hey, suggest that the politics of solidarity with the Palestinian cause has resources that exceed separatism, or the entitlement of a mere standing apart....
Notes from the first trip to Kafr 'Inan
Author: Nina Valerie Kolowratnik 22/09/2009
Prepared for the absence of helping road signs, we finally reached the ruins of the demolished village of Kafr 'Inan with the Atlas The Return Journey in one hand and a tagged arial picture from in the other.