
Local Jewish Opposition to the Palestinian Nakba Author: Eitan Bronstein Aparicio
Mapping the Destruction Author: Eitan Bronstein Aparicio
“Have a happy Nakba” Author: Amaya Galili
For years Israeli society has silenced and denied the Nakba and its own responsibility for its consequences, but in recent years the Nakba’s presence has grown. The Nakba’s presence provides educators with many opportunities to include it in their teaching. Teaching the Nakba undermines the act of erasing it from Israeli history and has the potential to create a future of reconciliation and education for critical civic involvement. What happens when teaching about the Nakba in Israel education systems?
If the house still stands: Options for the return of Palestinian refugees to their homes Author: Noa Levy, Eitan Bronstein Aparicio
It should be remembered that Israel demolished most of the homes that belonged to Palestinians.  Ariella Azoulay notes that Israel demolished more than 100,000 buildings during 1948 and 1949.(2)   But there is no reliable information on how many buildings still exist that haven’t undergone significant structural changes.  The authors estimate they number a few thousand, primarily in Jerusalem, Jaffa and Haifa, and in a few villages like Ayn Hawd and Ayn Karim.
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted Author: Moran Barir
KKL is not “green”!  That’s its big lie!  I was raised to believe that the KKL was at least the equivalent of Greenpeace, and today I want to shout over and over again until I and everyone else hear and believe – the KKL isn’t “green”!  It isn’t “green”!  It isn’t “green”!  Try to say it yourself.  It’s tricky at first, but it’s liberating.  If you repeat a lie often enough...
Building and being rebuilt on ruins and acts of forgetting Author: Idan Segev Simsolo
Restitution, Return and Justice Author: Atty. Arie Yampuler
The document is full of holes so fails to answer important crucial questions. But it is important to present to the sides and to the international community ideas and practical proposals for solving the Palestinians refugees issue in a humane manner that respects the human rights of all the sides, based on the principle that the violation of one person’s human rights should not be redressed by violating the human rights of another
Reviving the Memory of Palestine in Tel Aviv: Zochrot’s “I Almost Forgot” Campaign Author: Kyra D’Onofrio