
The Conflict Shoreline
Sedek 3
Sedek 4

Recommended literature

Omrim Yeshna Eretz – Once upon a Land
Introducing Our Latest Publication: "Remembering the Prisoners of War Camps"
Constituent Violence 1947-1950

Remembering Booklet series

About once a month Zochrot hosts tours of Palestinian places destroyed in 1948. For most tours we produce a commemorative booklet of the place, which can be downloaded here for free. Booklets are in Hebrew and Arabic, but most contain some English too.

Hard copies can be ordered from Zochrot for a nominal fee. To order hard copies, please contact Umar al-Ghubari at

Remembering al-Tira / Haifa
Remembering Ayn Ghazal
Remembering al-Ras al-Ahmar