In conjunction with the exhibition "Toward Return of Palestinian Refugees" Zochrot had organized a study group on the subject.  The group began its journey by studying the five planning models, presented at the show. It then went over the accompanied text and watched the video "Yaffa refugees talk about return" (which was part of the exhibition). The group then opened the subject for discussion and criticism.

That process was followed by an attempt to design a vision of such a future:  as preliminary as it might seem, some might even say utopian in nature; never the less, they tried to imagine their lives together when the Palestinian refugees returned. They did so with simple drawings accompanied by explanatory text.

On January 1st 2012 the group assembled at an open space located at the foot of Shderot Rotshild in Tel Aviv, and held a public debate on the subject.  They presented their work to the inquisitive passersby, hoping to expose others to their ideas and open the subject for discussion. Even though the wintery weather made them seek refuge under a nearby walk-way, it did not dampen their spirits, and a lively discussion followed into the wee hours of the night. See for yourselves.

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012

Presenting return at Rotshild 2012