A special event upon the launching of our booklet “Remembering the Prisoners of War Camps” (1948), and given recent evidence on the incarceration condition in present-day camps where Israel detains thousands of Palestinians.

The booklet tells the story of camps where the nascent state of Israel detained thousands of Palestinians without trial in 1948-50. We in Zochrot continue exposing the crimes of the Nakba, and are proud to shed light on this phenomenon – yet another untold chapter of the Nakba – particularly given its strong linkage to the continued systematic policy of massive detention of Palestinians to this day.

Since October 2023, the Hamas attack on Israeli communities and the vengeful counterattack and massacre of Palestinians in Gaza over the ten months since, have also entailed a new and huge wave of arrests, as well as severe worsening of incarceration conditions, and severe torture and maltreatment.

In the event, experts will talk about detention past and present, analyze its objectives and motivations, and call for a different future of freedom for all.

Panel participants:

  • Sahar Francis, an attorney defending Palestinian prisoners; “The reality of the Palestinian prisoners and war crimes”.

  • Dr. Shai Gortler, Guest Lecturer at the Center for Middle East Studies,University of Arkansas : “The Prisoners Camps in 1948”.

  • Khalid Mahajne, an attorney defending Palestinian prisoners; ”Testimonies from Sde Teiman detention Camp”. 

The event will be held via Zoom, in both Arabic and Hebrew, with translation into English, Arabic and Hebrew.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 20:00

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