On the eve of Israeli Independence Day – May 11, 2016, at 19:00 – Zochrot invites you to the lecture “Between Imagination and Expectation: Testimonies by Palestinian Refugees in Southern Lebanon, By Tiina Järvi (University of Tampere, Finland). Followed by an open discussion with the audience.

The Palestinian refugees are the longest-standing refugee population according to UN definition. Since the start of the Nakba in 1948, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been uprooted from their homeland while the State of Israel has failed to recognize them or allow their return. To this day, most Palestinians are refugees scattered all over the world, many of them after having been uprooted a second, third or fourth time. Based on UNRWA data, Lebanon is now home to some 450,000 Palestinian refugees who lack any political and economic rights in the country. The screening of A Man Returned, filmed at the Ain al-Hilweh Refugee Camp in the outskirts of Sidon, will be followed by a lecture and discussion about the situation of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and the way they envision return.

-Lecture by Tiina Järvi – social activist and doctoral student of social anthropology at the University of Tampere, Finland. In her doctoral work, Järvi examines how Palestinian refugees in Southern Lebanon conceive of return. She will present impressions of her last visit in Lebanon.
- Open discussion with the audience.

The lecture will be in English.
The evening will be held in Zochrot’s offices, 34 Yitzhak Sadeh St., 4th floor, Room 400.

For further details: yael@zochrot.org

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