Zochrot commemorate 47 years for the completion of the occupation in 1967. It began with the Palestinian Nakba to establish a Jewish state in 1948 and continued in 1967 when Israel occupied The West Bank, The Gaza Strip (the Syrian Golan and Sinai).
On Saturday, June 7, 11am we'll gather at the entrance to Canada Park, that JNF - KKL built on the ruins of Imwas, Yalu and Bayt Nuba lands, that Israel destroyed right after occupying and expelling their inhabitants in 1967.
We'll post an exhibit at the entrance to the park that will include a new map to Canada Park and signs to other JNF – KKL forests also covering ruins of Palestinian villages from the Nakba.
At 12:30 we'll begin a tour to the remains of Imwas at the park. It is one of the tours from the guide book Once Upon a Land published by Zochrot. The writer of this tour, Eitan Bronstein Aparicio will guide the tour. Taking part at the tour is free but requires inscription to eitan@zochrot.org or 050-6314229. Estimated end time: 14:30. It's easy walk but you need good shoes and a lot of water. If you arrive with a car please let us know if it's possible to bring more people with you.
The book will be for sell at the tour for 50 Shekel. The event will be photographed and published.
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