A new exhibit at Zochrot.
Opening: Thursday, May 15, 2014, Nakba Day, 20:00
Closing 1/8/2014
In his Video Audio installation, Dani Gal deals with the events that took place behind the scenes of the film Hirbet Khiza (Ram loevy 1978). Those events are examined from the point of view of the director and juxtaposed with the point of view of the inhibitors of the village Al Midya, where the film was shot. The new video work Al Midya (2014) that Gal produced in collaboration with Zochrot, documents a visit to the village and the reactions to the screening of the film.
At Zochrot's Visual Reaserch Laboratory: 34 Yitshak Sadeh St. Tel Aviv. 4th floor, room 400.
The exhibit is open from Sunday to Thursday 10:00 - 15:00. Call to make sure: 03-6953155.
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