Date: Saturday, December 17th, 2011
The tour will begin at the village site at 11:00 and will end at 13:00
We will meet refugees of Ma’lul ,hear the story of its Nakba, tour among the ruins, stop by the cemetery, the mosque and the churches, and post signs to commemorate the village.
Transportation: From Tel Aviv, Arlozorov train station, at 9:30 am
(we'll be back in Tel Aviv at about 15:00)
Participants arriving independently will meet at 10:45 at the entrance of the village (no signage) which located on Nazareth – Haifa road no. 75, between Temrat and Ramat Ha Horesh, 3 km from Nahlal junction towards Nazareth.
For transportation please register through this mail:
For more information please Contact:
Zochrot's office: 03- 695 3155
Umar al-Ghubari, coordinator of tours: 052-874 3099